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Recorded at Dubway Studios, NYC. Produced by Mike Crehore

Graduating college with a degree in Theatre Arts from DeSales University, Betsy began her artistic career working as a professional actress, singer, costume designer, and director both in the States and abroad. 

Classically trained Thomson sang with the London Philharmonic Choir while living in London. In 1990 Betsy began writing and performing her own music. Thomson’s uncompromising song styles and unique voice have earned rave reviews from music critics in New York and abroad.


"Betsy Thomson: Offering Wuthering Heights-gothic meets Joni Mitchell fearless folk and a little bit of Nina Hagan opera, dynamic, her searing orchestral epics are completely enveloping.” The Village Voice, NYC, “Outstanding” Frederick Geobold, DJ at WBAI, NYC.


Appearances in Ireland resulted in an interview on the BBC and several subsequent engagements in Berlin and England. Today she continues to perform her original music throughout America, the UK, and Europe. Her music videos The Fire Fighter Song and Strait Jacket can be viewed on You Tube or here.

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In Fall 2004,  “Missions of my Mind” shot to number one on Europe’s Radio Fedra.
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